This research was carried out to analyse
the concept of the African Standby Force (ASF) and its prospects for regional
security on the African continent. Series of conflicts in Africa and their
attendant problems have killed millions, destroyed property and hindered
Africa’s growth. If African countries are to achieve any meaningful
development, they must be relatively crises free. However, responsibility for
security in Africa is devolving to African states and sub-regional
2. Several conflicts on the continent have
shown that the UN and the developed countries are slow to react to conflicts in
Africa, especially where their national interests are not affected. Thus Africa
can no longer fold its arms and watch from the sidelines while conflicts
continue to ravage the continent. Moreover, Africa is the major loser from such
conflicts. The need to find an African solution to African problems thus gave
birth to the ASF.
The ASF is a system whereby troops are kept ready for rapid deployment to
conflict areas. The establishment of the ASF reaffirmed the determination and
commitment of African leaders to handle African problems themselves. The very
existence of the ASF and the knowledge that it would be effectively used would
serve as deterrence to would-be trouble makers across the continent.
Furthermore, the ASF would greatly reduce the response time for international
intervention in conflict situations. This is necessary to ‘nip conflicts in the
bud’ and prevent further bloodshed and suffering.
4. The descriptive research method was used for
the study. The study examines the security challenges confronting the AU and
how the ASF can help combat these challenges. The study also examines the
progress so far made in establishing the ASF and strategies to fully
operationalise the ASF.
can be construed in terms of the ability of individual citizens to live in
peace with access to basic necessities of life, at the same time participating
fully in societal affairs in freedom and enjoying all fundamental human rights
(The Kampala Document: Towards a Conference on Security, Stability,
Development and Cooperation in Africa). Security is indisputably a first
order value for all mankind. McNamara offered a broad definition of security
when he stated that ‘security means development’ (McNamara, 1968:149). Security can
therefore be conceptualised as a precursor to development and although not
entirely dependent on military activity, it is tightly intertwined with it and
cannot exist without it. According to Imobighe, ‘the amount of security a
nation enjoys is a reflection of its defence system’ (Imobigbe, 2003:170).
Similarly, Lippmann posits that ‘a nation has security when it does not have to
sacrifice its legitimate national interests to avoid war and is able, if
challenged to, to maintain them by war’ (Baylis, 2001:255). This implies that
military security is important and indeed forms the bedrock on which all other
forms of security rest.
security problems can be traced to the era of slave cartelization when European
slave merchants freely terrorized the continent. This was closely followed by
colonization wherein the indigenous defence systems were removed to emplace
imperialism. Since then, Africa has become an exporter of raw materials and
cheap labour and an importer of finished goods. This exploitation continued
until the outbreak of World War II (WWII) in 1939. The end of WWII in 1945 saw
the emergence of two superpowers, the United States of America (USA) and the
United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR). The subsequent Cold War which ensued between these superpowers
lasted from 1945-1990. Within this period, the
superpowers fought by proxy, with many African countries as pawns in their
power struggle. Dictatorships, overtly or covertly supported by one or the
other superpower, usurped power through coups d’etat and maintained repressive
regimes. This inevitably led to counter
coups, usually supported by the opposing superpower.
resultant vicious circle of dictatorships, sit-tight rulers, coups and counter
coups, coupled with illiteracy, absence of infrastructure and fueled by ethnic
sentiments, rendered Africa underdeveloped and crises prone. Intra-state conflicts erupted in Angola,
Burundi, Congo, Liberia, Mozambique and Namibia. They also erupted in Rwanda, Somalia, Sierra
Leone, Uganda, Cote d’Ivoire and Sudan. These conflicts militated against
development and harmonious relationship among African countries. The human and
material casualties recorded in these conflicts are calamitous. The resultant effects of these crises in
Africa are disease, refugee problems, human rights abuses, stagnation in
development and poverty.
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) London reported that in
1999 alone, over half of the world’s armed conflicts were in sub - Saharan
Africa (Jonathan, 2005:15). In another report, Clare and Straw, argued that
over the past 20 years, Africa has lost over 50 per cent of its infrastructure,
many of the losses due to conflicts (Clare Short and Jack Straw).
the potential for inter-state disputes has not diminished, the last 10 years
have seen the appearance of complex new risks to peace and stability, including
oppression, ethnic conflict, economic distress, the collapse of political
order, the proliferation of small arms and organised international crime. When
crises arise, they increasingly involve many factions and contain conflict
elements which may be inter and intra and/or transnational in nature and
involve the cross border movement of refugees, internally displaced persons
(IDPs), migrants and widespread human rights abuses.
intra state conflicts and transnational activities are generally perpetrated by
sub state actors or ‘war lords’, non-state actors, militias, criminal elements
and armed civilians and not exclusively by elements of the regular armies. As a
result social cohesion and state institutions collapse, law and order breaks
down, banditry and chaos prevail and the civilian population flees the conflict
region or the country.
the global scene, the quest for international peace and security prompted the
formation of international organizations and alliances. One of such organizations, the League of
Nations, emerged at the end of WWI on account of the determination by European
allies to prevent another world war (Peter Gay et al, 1973:107). This
objective was not realized due to some inherent weaknesses of the League,
resulting in WWII.
the end of WWII, the need for a more effective and inclusive world body led to
the formation of the United Nations (UN) with the objectives of ensuring global
peace and security. Since conflicts and crises have become an inevitable
outcome of human existence, most countries in the world consider it a primary
responsibility to develop some mechanism to handle them. This brought to the
fore, the need for a rapid intervention force capable of being deployed within
the shortest possible time, to manage conflicts.
The UN fashioned out the concept of a rapidly deployable
multinational force far back in 1947, but it remained sidelined until 1992, when
the then UN Secretary General Boutros-Boutros Ghali called for a system by
which governments commit themselves to hold ready, at an agreed period of
notice, specifically trained units for peacekeeping service. The purpose of
standby arrangement is to have a precise understanding of the forces and other
capabilities a member state will have available at a given state of readiness (UN
Secretariat, Report of the Secretary-General on Standby Arrangements for Peacekeeping, 1995).
The UN Standby Arrangement System (UNSAS) was launched in
the early 1990s. The UNSAS is basically a database of military, civilian
police, assets and expertise made available for rapid deployment to UN
peacekeeping operations. Due to different training doctrines and equipment of
member states, UNSAS could not achieve the effectiveness required of a standby
force (Clare Short and Jack Straw). In 1996, the UN established the Standby
High Readiness Brigade (SHIRBRIG), for rapid deployment to peacekeeping
operations. The SHIRBRIG was aimed at providing the UN with a non - standing
multinational brigade at high readiness and is based on UNSAS.
The quest for peace and security was not limited to
Europe and the Americas alone. In the early 1960s, the late Dr Kwame Nkrumah,
one time President of Ghana, proposed the formation of an African High Command
(AHC). He envisaged a quick reaction force to be used in resolving conflicts on
the continent. Unfortunately, some African leaders who were not willing to give
up their newly found sovereignties rejected the initiative. However, the first
African regional organization, the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was
formed in 1963 in response to his vision.
The main objectives of OAU were the promotion of unity and solidarity of
independent African states and the eradication of colonialism from Africa.
Although the OAU succeeded to a large
extent in eradicating colonialism from the African Continent, it could not
attain other objectives. For instance,
its goal of fostering peace and stability in the region remained elusive as
fratricidal wars continued to ravage the continent. Salim, a former Secretary General of the OAU,
stated that ‘the OAU was able to facilitate the eradication of colonialism, but
the internal crises, poverty and social degradation in Africa were issues the
OAU was to accommodate because of mounting obstacles’ (Salim 2000:24). This led
to the formation of the African Union (AU) in July 2002.
The new regional body was modeled after
the European Union (EU) and designed to have a Parliament, Central Bank, Court
of Justice, common currency and a Peace and Security Council (PSC) (AU
Constitutive Act). The ‘Protocol
Relating to the Establishment of the PSC’ provides for an African Standby Force
(ASF) to enable the PSC deploy peacekeeping missions. The PSC was also mandated
to intervene in regional crises pursuant to the provisions of the AU
Constitutive Act.
its inception in 2003, it was envisaged that by 2010, the ASF would be able to
respond to requests for monitoring, peacekeeping, and peace enforcement
missions from sub regional bodies, AU or UN within the framework of Article 13
of the PSC Protocol (AU Constitutive Act). This was to be achieved in 2
phases as follows:
(1) Phase
One (July 2003 - 30 Jun 05): Establishment of a strategic level
capacity for the management of Scenarios 1-2 missions, while Regional Economic
Communities (RECs)/Regions would complement the African Union (AU) by
establishing regional standby forces up to a brigade size (3500 - 5000) to
achieve up to Scenario 4. The list of scenarios is contained at Appendix I.
(2) Phase
Two (1 Jul 05 to 30 Jun 10): It
was envisaged that by the year 2010, the AU would have developed the capacity
to manage complex peacekeeping operations, while the RECs/Regions will continue
to develop the capacity to deploy a mission Headquarters (HQs) for Scenario 4,
involving AU/Regional peacekeeping forces (Article 13 of the Au PSC Protocol).
Regrettably, as at 31 Dec 10, these
phases are yet to be fully achieved as earlier envisaged by the African Chiefs
of Defence Staff (ACDS) in 2003. Thus there is a need to critically examine the
specific problems, contributions and strategies for a fully functional ASF.
have continued to ravage the African continent. For instance Somalia, which is
categorized as a failed state, has continued to defy efforts to rectify the
situation there. Presently, the waters of the Indian Ocean off the coast of
Somalia are being patrolled by the military forces of several non-African
countries. These patrols are meant to create a secure corridor for the passage
of ships, mostly conveying petroleum products through the Gulf of Aden. Several
Somali pirates have been killed by these patrols. In January 2011, 5 pirates
were captured by a South Korean patrol team and are to stand trial in South
Korea. Although piracy is deplorable, these patrols can be regarded as
diplomatic affronts to Somalia in particular and Africa in general. Furthermore,
no developed country will allow the killing, capture and trial of its nationals
to go unchallenged as is being done in Somalia. This patrol task ought to have
been a prerogative of the ASF, if it were operational.
the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan continues to linger. The United
Nations African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) lacks the manpower required to
command all factions to order. As at December 2010, the UNAMID strength stood
at an average of 20,000 personnel as against the 26,000 men required to
effectively police Darfur. In light of the enormity of its tasks, the UNAMID is
greatly handicapped by this manpower challenge. However, a fully operational
ASF could easily handle the Darfur crisis with little or no assistance from the
earlier that a conflict is tackled and ‘nipped in the bud’, the easier it is to
contain and resolve. Thus the current political impasse in Cote d’Ivoire
desperately needs an intervention force to douse rising tensions and prevent
the possible outbreak of another war. Again, the ASF would have been aptly used
there. Conflicts in several African countries have shown that the international
community is willing to turn a blind eye to genocide and mass killings in
Africa. Such conflict regions include Rwanda, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Congo,
Sudan and Cote d’Ivoire amongst others. It has become obvious that the
developed countries intervene in African conflicts primarily to safeguard their
national interests.
1997, Salim drew attention to the fact that ‘OAU member states can no longer
afford to stand aloof and expect the international community to care more for
our problems than we do, or indeed to find solutions to those problems which in
many instances, have been of our own making. The simple truth that we must
confront today is that the world does not owe us a living and we must remain in
the forefront of efforts to act and act speedily, to prevent conflicts from
getting out of control’ (Dr. Salim,). Similarly, Mbeki stressed that ‘recent
international events have confirmed the need for us Africans to do everything
we can to rely on our own capacities to secure our continent’s renaissance’ (Address
of the President of South Africa). It is against this backdrop therefore,
that this research seeks to answer the following research questions:
(1) What are the security challenges confronting
the AU?
(2) How can the ASF help in combating the
security challenges confronting the AU?
(3) What progress has been made in establishing
the ASF?
(4) What is the way forward toward full
operationalization of the ASF?
The objectives of the study are to:
(1) Review the security challenges confronting the AU.
(2) Examine how the ASF can help in combating the
security challenges confronting the AU.
(3) Show up what progress has been made in
establishing the ASF.
(4) Proffer suggestions on the way forward toward
full operationalization of the ASF?
A region is secure when its citizens can
live peacefully with access to basic necessities of life, freedom and all
fundamental human rights. However, superpower influences, illiteracy, lack of
infrastructure, proliferation of small arms and ethnic sentiments amongst
others have combined to render Africa conflict - prone.
The conflicts ravaging Africa have
increasingly become intra – state, with
calamitous consequences. The hypothesis that guided this work assumes that
there is a causal relationship between the absence of an ASF and repeated armed
conflicts on the African continent. This study seeks to establish that if the
ASF becomes fully operational, security on the African continent would be
series of conflicts which have ravaged the African continent, decimated its
population and hindered its unity and development are a serious cause of
concern. Furthermore, the lingering crises in Somalia and Sudan and the
political impasse in Cote d’Ivoire push to the fore, the glaring need for the
ASF. Unfortunately, seven years after its inauguration, the ASF is yet to
become fully operational. Moreover, there has been uneven progress among the
sub regions in implementing the ACDS roadmap to full operationalization of the
study is therefore significant in the sense that it would review the security
challenges confronting the AU and examine how the ASF can help in combating
them. It would also take a look at the progress so far made in establishing the
ASF and proffer suggestions towards full operationalization of the ASF. This will no doubt benefit the AU and its
member states in the search for an effective conflict management mechanism on
the continent. The findings of the study
would also add to the existing literature and reference materials on ASF and
regional security.
ASF is based on the concept of regional security. This concept has permeated
international discourse since the end of WWI, leading to the formation of the
League of Nations and later, the UN. The concept of standby forces can also be
traced back to the UN in 1947.
study will cover the period 1963 till date. It was during this period that
regional security started receiving due attention in Africa through the
creation of the OAU. Reference would be made to other regional security
arrangements as it is believed that such arrangements would be in tandem with
this study.
This research seeks to identify the ASF
prospects for regional security. To this effect, the methods of data collection
and analysis will be focused on.
data used in this study were collected from both primary and secondary
sources. Primary data were gathered
through interviews and consultations with service personnel who had worked or
are working at the ASF HQ in Addis Ababa. Other sources were the NAPKC, DHQ,
Service HQs or personnel who have participated in PSOs. A sample of the
questionnaire is at Appendix II. Secondary data were gathered from books,
journals, newspapers, reports of conferences, unpublished works, magazines,
periodicals, lecture notes and the internet.
research method used in this study is the descriptive research technique. To
achieve this thesis, the research design applied was the causal comparative. It
is a retrospective study of the relationship between the independent variable
which is the ASF and its outcome, the dependent variable, regional security.
this research method was necessary as it provides the most comprehensive
approach towards adequate coverage of the areas to be studied (AFCSC Guide
to Research Methodology). Thus this study observed and evaluated the
concept of regional security to establish the effects standby forces have on
This research work was impaired by some
limitations. The key limitations were the use of secondary data to analyse the
concepts of regional security, standby forces and the ASF. Although the data
used were from reputable sources, the authenticity of their findings might not
be insulated from bias.
The concepts of regional security and
standby forces are complementary. Hence the empirical testing of both concepts
was relatively impossible. However, this did not affect the quality of research
carried out and the outcomes of the findings.
1. In order to stem the wide spread of
conflicts in Africa, a standby force is urgently needed.
2. The standby force must be equipped as a
rapid response force.
3. Such a standby force must be completely
African – manned.
For the purpose of
this study, the following terms are defined as follows:
1. Concept
of Conflict: Human history shows
that conflict is a natural consequence of human interaction. It is a product of
clashes of different opinions, views and interests between individuals, groups
or states. According to Dougherty and Pfaltzgraf, conflict is ‘a condition in
which one identified group of human beings…is engaged in conscious opposition
to one or more other identifiable groups because these groups are pursuing what
are or appear to be incompatible goals’ (Osisioma, 2008:1). Lewis Coser goes
further in the discourse on conflict by conceptualizing the term as ‘a struggle
over and claims to scarce resources in which aims of opponents are to
neutralize, injure or eliminate these rivals’ (Coser, 2008:1). Even though
conflict is natural to human beings and associations, it does not necessarily
have to be violent (Dougherty, 2008:1).
conflict becomes violent, it has transformed into war which Clausewitz
describes as ‘a duel on an extensive scale… an act of violence pushed to its
utmost bounds…directed upon the destruction of the enemy’s powers’ (Coser,
2008:2). When this situation obtains between sovereign entities, such as nation
states, war then becomes ‘a continuation of state policy by other means’ or ‘a continuation of
political commerce’ (Osisioma,
conflicts according to Stedman arise ‘from problems basic to all populations,
the tugs and pulls of different identities, the differential distribution of
resources and access to power, and
competing definitions of what is right, fair and just’ (Stedman, 2008:3). The
message is that conflicts arise essentially from injustices suffered by
individuals, groups or states and when these conflicts are not resolved
peacefully, they become violent.
When conflicts transform into civil or international wars,
they bring about other disastrous consequences. People are killed, maimed,
displaced or turned into refugees while properties and infrastructure are
destroyed. Also, those with low morals become beasts in human skin, raping,
carrying out extra-judicial killings, looting, extorting and robbing. With each
war therefore, man who is supposed to be a rational and civilized being further
descends into the abyss of inhumanity. War destroys social values, pollutes and
degrades the environment and diverts resources from the pursuit of development
and human happiness to war financing. At times, war taxes are imposed on
citizens of a warring state and this worsens their conditions. War spreads
pestilence, hunger, starvation, destitution and lawlessness. Between nations,
war forcefully changes feelings and boundaries and can lead to the collapse of
2. Concept
of Security: The concept of
security, according to Ekoko, emphasizes military power as the main instrument
for the preservation of national sovereignty, independence and territorial
integrity. Wolfers and Lippman have
different definitions. Wolfers sees
security as ‘the protection of values previously acquired or the absence of
fear that these values would be attacked’ (Stedman, 1991:368). Lippman has been
more explicit in his opinion about security.
In his view, ‘a nation has security when it does not have to sacrifice
its legitimate interest to avoid war, and is able to, if challenged, to maintain
them by war’ (Yusuf,
has been generally argued that what constitutes security to one state or group
of states might constitute insecurity to others. Arnold views security ‘as the relative
freedom from harmful threats (James, 1990:245). The Concise Oxford Dictionary
defines the word security ‘as the safety of state or organization against
criminal activity.’ Arnold’s definition of security is worthy of particular
note as it relates security to underpin the role of international regimes in
ensuring stability within a given region.
This therefore means that security is seen from both the domestic and
international perspectives.
3. Concept
of Regional Security: Regional
security is the security cooperation among nations in the same geographical
location (Emuekpere). A region is a
political identity consisting of a group of states, which are proximate and
interdependent. Regions are generally characterized by geographical
relatedness. The essence of regional
security as identified by Buzan is a ‘set of contiguous states with a level of
integration between them, such that a lack of security within them or between
individual states in the region affects the security of the set of states as a
whole (Barry, 1983:73).
The AU is an organization of
African nations created to promote continental peace, unity, and cooperation.
The organization works to resolve conflicts between nations and to coordinate
political, economic, cultural, scientific, medical, and defense policies.
The AU has 53 member nations, with its headquarters in Addis Ababa,
Ethiopia. The organization was founded in Addis Ababa on 25 May 63, as the OAU.
It retained that name until 2002 when it formally became the AU.
At the time of the OAU’s founding,
African leaders disagreed about what kind of organization it should be. Some
leaders pushed for the creation of a central government that would unite all of
Africa under one authority. However, many of the nations had just recently
gained independence from colonial rule and their leaders opposed the idea. The
leaders eventually reached a compromise but in so doing created an organization
that is controlled by its member nations, leaving it with little power to act
on its own. Nonetheless, the AU has helped strengthen ties among African
nations and settle disputes. But it has also faced many problems that have
undermined its ability to achieve its goals (Emuekpere).
experiences relating to widening and deepening of regional security regimes in
Africa have not been particularly satisfactory.
This is evident from the fact that most African states witnessed several
conflicts and wars since their independence.
This made the concept of regional security among African countries
difficult despite their geographical proximity.
However, recent events have shown that African leaders are now willing
to pursue a common regional security regime.
Regional security regimes are increasingly becoming an integral part of
the globalization process. This process
is described as the ‘principle of complex interdependence (Barry, 1991:25).
That is the assumption that multiple channels connect societies, making the
quest for security indispensable. It can
therefore be deduced that regional security is the security cooperation among
nations in the same geographical location.
4. Concept
of Standby Forces: There are
various perceptions as to what constitutes a standby force. The earliest usage was when it was referred
to as a ‘command headquarters’ that is ‘German Standby force’ during WW II
(Burgess, 2009). The term was used by some European defence scholars like Firlie
to describe the numerous security regimes embarked upon by European nations (Kenneth,
1990:245). For instance, the European
Union Rapid Response Force (EURRF) which is described as a standby force is a
non standing army made up of troops contributed by member states to undertake
peacekeeping operations.
The EURRF was borne out of the desire of
EU to develop a Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) outside NATO for
crisis management and conflict prevention within Europe (European Foreign
and Security Policy News Letter; Issue No 8, 2002). The force uses the
military headquarters of NATO in Belgium as its operational headquarters. Its first military mission was in Macedonia
(Michael, 2000:34). The force is obliged
under the UN agreement ratified by member states to deploy troops to UN
peacekeeping missions.
Standby High Readiness Brigade (SHIRBRIG) established by Denmark, Austria,
Canada, Netherlands, Norway, Poland and Sweden is another example of a standby
force (Michael, 2000:34). The force
under UNSAS is aimed at rapid deployment for peacekeeping or humanitarian
operations. Troops deployed are only
expected to spend a maximum of 6 months in mission areas. The SHIRBRIG is established at low additional
costs to participating countries.
Firstly, Denmark is the host country to the SHIRBRIG headquarters and
provides many facilities free. Secondly,
participating countries pay for training and preparation for deployment. Lastly, at the actual time of deployment,
according to existing rules the UN pays for all expenses (Lesley).
NATO, EURRF and SHIRBRIG present good examples of standby forces. A standby force can therefore be
conceptualized as the pooling together of military/civil resources by a number
of states for their collective security.
Standby forces thus connote a security regime, with a well-defined force
structure contributed by parties of the regime for their collective
5. Concept of African Standby Force: In the early 1960s, the late Dr Kwame
Nkrumah, one time President of Ghana suggested the formation of an African High
Command (AHC). He envisaged a quick reaction force drawn from member states to
be used in resolving conflicts on the continent. Unfortunately, some African
leaders who were not willing to give up their newly found sovereignties rejected
the initiative. However, the first African regional organization, the
Organisation of African Unity (OAU) was formed in 1963 in response to his
The OAU succeeded to a large extent in
eradicating colonialism from the African Continent, it could not attain other
objectives. For instance, its goal of
fostering peace and stability in the region remained elusive as fratricidal
wars continued to ravage the continent.
Salim, a former Secretary General of the OAU, while reviewing the
achievements of the Organisation stated that ‘the OAU was able to facilitate
the eradication of colonialism, but the internal crises, poverty and social
degradation in Africa were issues the OAU was to accommodate because of
mounting obstacles (Salim, 2000:24). This led to the formation of the African
Union (AU) in July 2002. The new regional body was modeled after the European
Union (EU) and designed to have a Parliament, Central Bank, Court of Justice,
common currency and a Peace and Security Council (PSC) (AU Constitutive Act).
member states adopted the ‘Protocol Relating to the Establishment of the PSC in
July 2003.’ The Protocol provides for an African Union Standby Force (ASF) to
enable the PSC deploy peacekeeping missions. The PSC was also mandated to
intervene in regional crises pursuant to the provisions of the AU Constitutive
Act. The ASF is intended for rapid deployment in
peace support operations for the AU that may include preventive deployment,
peacekeeping, peace building, post-conflict demilitarisation, and humanitarian
assistance. The aim is to have one standby brigade in each of Africa’s five
regions, supported by civilian police and other capacities, by 2010. Good
progress has been made in training, development of doctrine, Standard Operating
Procedures, and command and control concepts (Ciliers, 2010).
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